Company News

April 16, 2024
Maryland Bridge Collapse Notice

The Maryland Department of Insurance is requiring insurance companies to take specific actions for their residents directly affected by the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge (“Key Bridge”).

If the bridge collapse negatively affects a policyholder’s ability to make a timely premium payment, we will reasonably accommodate them such as providing a payment plan option or allowing an extension of time for them to make their payments. We will also be accommodating in the enforcement of policy provisions and any other deadlines enforced in the normal course of business as it applies to the policyholders affected by this event.

April 3, 2024
Attention Indiana Residents

The Indiana Department of Insurance is requiring insurance companies to take specific actions for their residents directly affected by recent severe storms.

If the storms negatively affect a policyholder’s ability to make a timely premium payment, we will reasonably accommodate them such as providing a payment plan option or allowing an extension of time for them to make their payments. We will also be accommodating in the enforcement of policy provisions and any other deadlines enforced in the normal course of business as it applies to the policyholders affected by this event.

This special consideration is effective through May 25, 2024.

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